$(document).ready(function(){ var hc = new HomeController(); var av = new AccountValidator(); $('#account-form').ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit : function(formData, jqForm, options){ if (av.validateForm() == false){ return false; } else{ // push the disabled username field onto the form data array // formData.push({name:'user', value:$('#user-tf').val()}) return true; } }, success : function(responseText, status, xhr, $form){ if (status == 'success') hc.onUpdateSuccess(); }, error : function(e){ if (e.responseText == 'email-taken'){ av.showInvalidEmail(); } else if (e.responseText == 'username-taken'){ av.showInvalidUserName(); } } }); $('#name-tf').focus(); $('#github-banner').css('top', '41px'); // customize the account settings form // $('#account-form h1').text('Account Settings'); $('#account-form #sub1').text('Here are the current settings for your account.'); $('#user-tf').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('#account-form-btn1').html('Delete'); $('#account-form-btn1').addClass('btn-danger'); $('#account-form-btn2').html('Update'); // setup the confirm window that displays when the user chooses to delete their account // $('.modal-confirm').modal({ show : false, keyboard : true, backdrop : true }); $('.modal-confirm .modal-header h3').text('Delete Account'); $('.modal-confirm .modal-body p').html('Are you sure you want to delete your account?'); $('.modal-confirm .cancel').html('Cancel'); $('.modal-confirm .submit').html('Delete'); $('.modal-confirm .submit').addClass('btn-danger'); })