var passport = require('passport') , LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy , FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy , mongodb = require('mongodb') , mongoose = require('mongoose') , bcrypt = require('bcrypt') , SALT_WORK_FACTOR = 15; // connects to mongodb mongoose.connect('localhost', 'test'); var db = mongoose.connection; db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')); db.once('open', function callback(){ console.log('Connected to MongoDB'); }); // user scheme var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({ username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true }, email: { type: String, required: true, unique: true }, password: { type: String, required: true }, //passwords doesn't need to be unique accessToken:{ type: String } // used for Remember Me }); // bcrypt middleware userSchema.pre('save', function(next) { var user = this; if (!user.isModified('password')) return next(); bcrypt.genSalt(SALT_WORK_FACTOR, function(err, salt) { if(err) return next(err); bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt, function(err, hash) { user.password = hash; next(); }); }); }); // password verification userSchema.methods.comparePassword = function(candidatePassword, cb) {, this.password, function(err, isMatch) { if (err) return cb(err); cb(null, isMatch); }); }; // remember me implementation userSchema.methods.generateRandomToken = function () { var user = this, chars = "_!abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", token = new Date().getTime() + '_'; for (var x = 0; x < SALT_WORK_FACTOR; x++) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 94); token += chars.charAt(i); } return token; }; // seed a test user var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema); /* var usr = new User({ username: 'bob', email: '', password: 'secret' }); { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('user: ' + usr.username + + 'saved.'); } })*/ // Passport session setup. // To support persistent login sessions, Passport needs to be able to // serialize users into and deserialize users out of the session. Typically, // this will be as simple as storing the user ID when serializing, and finding // the user by ID when deserializing. // // Both serializer and deserializer edited for Remember Me functionality passport.serializeUser( function(user, done) { var createAccessToken = function() { var token = user.generateRandomToken(); User.findOne( { accessToken: token }, function (err, existingUser) { if (err) return done(err); if (existingUser) { createAccessToken(); //run it again. has to be unique } else { user.set('accessToken', token); function(err) { if (err) return done(err); return done(null, user.get('accessToken')); }); } }); } console.log('serializing user'); if (user._id) { createAccessToken(); } else { done(null, user); } }); passport.deserializeUser( function(token, done) { console.log('deserializing ' + token.provider); if (token.provider === undefined) { User.findOne( { accessToken: token }, function(err, user) { done(err, user); }); } else { done(null, token); } }); // Use the LocalStrategy within Passport. // Strategies in passport require a `verify` function, which accept // credentials (in this case, a username and password), and invoke a callback // with a user object. In the real world, this would query a database; // however, in this example we are using a baked-in set of users. passport.use(new LocalStrategy(function(username, password, done) { User.findOne({ username: username }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); if (!user) { return done(null, false, { message: 'Unknown user ' + username }); } user.comparePassword(password, function(err, isMatch) { if (err) return done(err); if (isMatch) { return done(null, user); } else { return done(null, false, { message: 'Invalid password' }); } }); }); })); // Use the FacebookStrategy within Passport. // Strategies in Passport require a `verify` function, which accept // credentials (in this case, an accessToken, refreshToken, and Facebook // profile), and invoke a callback with a user object. passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({ clientID: config.facebook.clientID, clientSecret: config.facebook.clientSecret, callbackURL: config.facebook.callbackURL }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { // asynchronous verification, for effect... process.nextTick(function() { // To keep the example simple, the user's Facebook profile is returned to // represent the logged-in user. In a typical application, you would want // to associate the Facebook account with a user record in your database, // and return that user instead. return done(null, profile); }); } )); // to ensure that users are logged in function ensureAuthenticated(req, res, next) { console.log('checking to see if authenticated'); if (req.isAuthenticated()) return next(); res.redirect('/login'); } /* * ============================================================ * Routes * */ module.exports = function(app) { /* * GET home page. * * '/' */ app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.render('index', { title: 'DERS' }); }); /* * GET TEST PAGE * * '/test' */ app.get('/test', function(req, res) { res.render('test', { title: 'test', loggedin: false }); }); app.get('/home', function(req, res) { res.render('home', { title: 'home', loggedin: false }); }); /* * GET dashboard * * '/dashboard' */ app.get('/dashboard', function(req, res) { console.log('/dashboard - ' + req.user); res.render('dashboard', { title: 'kanin', loggedin: true }); }); /* * GET login page * * '/login' */ app.get('/login', function(req, res) { res.render('login', { title: 'Logg inn' }); }); /* POST */'/login', function(req, res, next) { passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info) { if (err) return next(err); if (!user) { console.log(info.message); req.session.messages = [info.message]; return res.redirect('/login'); } req.logIn(user, function(err) { if (err) return next(err); return res.redirect('/dashboard'); }) })(req, res, next); }); // GET /auth/facebook // Use passport.authenticate() as route middleware to authenticate the // request. The first step in Facebook authentication will involve // redirecting the user to After authorization, Facebook will // redirect the user back to this application at /auth/facebook/callback app.get('/auth/facebook', passport.authenticate('facebook'), function(req, res){ // The request will be redirected to Facebook for authentication, so this // function will not be called. }); // GET /auth/facebook/callback // Use passport.authenticate() as route middleware to authenticate the // request. If authentication fails, the user will be redirected back to the // login page. Otherwise, the primary route function function will be called, // which, in this example, will redirect the user to the home page. app.get('/auth/facebook/callback', passport.authenticate('facebook', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { console.log('/auth/facebook/callback --- ' + req.user.username); res.redirect('/dashboard'); }); /* * GET logout * * '/logout' */ app.get('/logout', function(req, res) { req.logout(); res.redirect('/test'); }); /* * GET project page * * '/project' */ app.get('/project', function(req, res) { res.render('project', { title: 'Harepus', loggedin: true }); }) /* * GET signup page * * '/signup' */ app.get('/signup', function(req, res) { res.render('signup', { title: 'Registrer deg' }); }); /* POST */'/signup', function(req, res) { AM.addNewAccount({ name : req.param('name'), email : req.param('email'), user : req.param('user'), pass : req.param('pass'), country : req.param('country') }, function(e) { if (e) { res.send(e, 400); } else { res.send('ok', 200); } }); }); /* * ERRORS */ /* 404 */ app.get('*', function(req, res) { res.render('error', { title: '404', text: 'Fant ikke siden' }); }); /* 403 on POST */'*', function(req, res) { res.render('error', { title: '403', text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til denne siden' }); }); };