path: root/prompt_adam3_setup
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diff --git a/prompt_adam3_setup b/prompt_adam3_setup
index 55e4005..50a1e54 100644
--- a/prompt_adam3_setup
+++ b/prompt_adam3_setup
@@ -25,21 +25,39 @@ prompt_adam3_setup () {
# Colors
# Prefer positional arguments. Use environment if posititionals are not
# provided.
- local hostcolor=${1:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR1:-'multi'}}
- local usercolor=${2:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR2:-'blue'}}
- local dircolor=${3:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3:-'cyan'}}
- local timecolor=${4:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4:-'green'}}
- # Prepare prompt. Start with username
- typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1="%K{$usercolor}%F{white}%n@%f%k"
+ # Colors are given in a comma-separated way. "foreground,bacground,bold".
+ # Both fore- and background-colors may be given by name or number. Bold
+ # should be given with 1 for bold, 0 for no bold. Arguments can be dropped
+ # from the right. I.e. "blue,white,1" for bold blue text on white background.
+ # "blue,white" for blue (non-bold) on white background. Or just "blue" for
+ # just blue text and no given background. 'none' can be given as a color, and
+ # indicates no color. So, bold blue text with no background is "blue,none,1".
+ local -A prom color
+ color[host]=${1:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR1:-multi}} # host color
+ color[user]=${2:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR2:-white,blue}} # user color
+ color[dirS]=${3:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3:-39,none,1}} # dir (single-mode) color
+ color[dirD]=${3:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3:-39,none,1}} # dir (double mode) color
+ color[time]=${4:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_TIME:-${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4:-66}}} # time color
+ # Username
+ prom[user]='%n@'
+ # Hostname
+ prom[host]='%m'
# DIR in single-line-mode
- typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_SLM_DIR="%B%F{$dircolor}%-40<..<%(5~|%-1~/../%3~|%4~)%f%b%<< "
+ prom[dirS]='%-40<..<%(5~|%-1~/../%3~|%4~)%<< '
# DIR in double-line-mode
- typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_DLM_DIR="%B%F{$dircolor}%-10<..<%~%f%b%<<"
+ prom[dirD]='%-10<..<%~%<<'
- # time
- typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1="%F{$timecolor}%*%f"
+ # Time
+ [[ $timecolor != false ]] && prom[time]='%*'
+ prom[shlvl]='%(10L.%F{58}%L%f .)'
# Promptchar (including exitcode)
typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PROMPTCHAR='%(?..[%F{red}%?%f] )%B%F{%(!.red.white)}%#%f%b '
@@ -52,13 +70,14 @@ prompt_adam3_setup () {
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-staged-changes true
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr ' S'
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' unstagedstr ' U'
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats "%s %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%f "
- zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats "%s %r/%S %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%a%f "
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats '%s %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%f '
+ zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats '%s %r/%S %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%a%f '
# Change color of host, based on hostname
- if [[ $hostcolor == 'multi' ]]; then
+ if [[ $color[host] == 'multi' ]]; then
- # Here we take the charset-number of each character and add them together.
+ # Here we take the charset-number of each character in the hostname, and
+ # add them together.
local -i hostnum i
local c
for i in {1..$#HOST}; do
@@ -66,32 +85,39 @@ prompt_adam3_setup () {
(( hostnum += #c ))
- # define available color-bombos
- local -a colors=( black,red black,green black,yellow black,blue \
- black,magenta black,cyan red,white red,yellow \
- red,cyan green,black green,blue yellow,black \
- yellow,blue blue,white blue,red blue,yellow \
- magenta,white magenta,yellow cyan,white cyan,blue \
- white,black white,red white,blue white,magenta )
+ local -a colors=( red,black green,black yellow,black blue,black \
+ magenta,black cyan,black white,red yellow,red \
+ cyan,red black,green blue,green black,yellow \
+ blue,yellow white,blue red,blue yellow,blue \
+ white,magenta yellow,magenta white,cyan blue,cyan \
+ black,white red,white blue,white magenta,white )
# Select color
- hostcolor=${colors[$hostnum % $#colors + 1]}
+ color[host]=${colors[$hostnum % $#colors + 1]}
# Go bold?
- local B b
- ((hostnum % 2)) && B=%B b=%b
+ ((hostnum % 2)) && color[host]+=',1'
# for testing purposes
- #hostcolor=${colors[$RANDOM % $#colors + 1]}
- #(( $RANDOM % 2 )) && B=%B b=%b || B= b=
- # This is where we set up the actual prompt.
- PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1+="$B%K{${hostcolor%,*}}%F{${hostcolor##*,}}%m%f%k$b "
- else
- # If one wants a specific color, just set ut, plain and simple
- PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1+="%K{$hostcolor}%m%k "
+ #color[host]=${colors[$RANDOM % $#colors + 1]}
+ #((RANDOM % 2)) && color[host]+=',1'
+ # colorize the prompt-parts. See footnotes for extra comments.
+ for item in user host dirS dirD time; do
+ c=(${(s.,.)color[$item]}) # cheaper to do this expansion just once
+ [[ ${c[1]:-none} != none ]] && prom[$item]="%F{${c[1]}}$prom[${item}]%f"
+ [[ ${c[2]:-none} != none ]] && prom[$item]="%K{${c[2]}}$prom[${item}]%k"
+ (( ${c[3]} )) && prom[$item]="%B$prom[${item}]%b"
+ done
+ # Make each prompt-part global
+ typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1="$prom[user]$prom[host] "
+ typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_SLM_DIR=$prom[dirS]
+ typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_DLM_DIR=$prom[dirD]
+ typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1=$prom[shlvl]$prom[time]
+ # Set up hook
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_adam3_precmd
@@ -112,15 +138,17 @@ prompt_adam3_precmd () {
local prompt_length=${#${(S%%)prom//\%([BSUbfksu]|[FK]\{*\})/}}
# If the prompt is over half the terminal, we go into multiline-mode.
- if (( (COLUMNS / 2) < prompt_length )); then
+ if (( prompt_length > ( COLUMNS / 2 ) )); then
prom=$PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1 # reset prompt
- prom+=$PROMPT_ADAM3_DLM_DIR # dir
+ prom+=$PROMPT_ADAM3_DLM_DIR # double-line-mode dir
# We need to recalculate prompt_length to know where to put time
+ local rprompt_length=${#${(S%%)PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1//\%([BSUbfksu]|[FK]\{*\})/}}
+ local timepadding=$((COLUMNS - prompt_length + $#PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1 - rprompt_length - 1))
# Add time. Left-pad with spaces.
- prom+=${(l:$((COLUMNS - prompt_length + 1 )):)PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1}
+ prom+=${(l:$timepadding:)PROMPT_ADAM3_RPS1}
prom+=$'\n' # newline
prom+=$vcs_info_msg_0_ # vcs
prom+=$PROMPT_ADAM3_PROMPTCHAR # promptchar