# Filename: prompt_adam3_setup # Purpose: a zsh-prompt that changes the color of your prompt based on # the hostname of your current host # Authors: Dennis Eriksen # Bug-Reports: Email # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ # adam3 prompt theme prompt_adam3_help () { cat <<'EOF' This prompt changes the color of your prompt based on the hostname of your current host. This can be quite nice if you log in to a lot of different hosts (if you can manage to distribute the prompt, of course). EOF } prompt_adam3_setup () { setopt localoptions extendedglob autoload -Uz vcs_info # colors typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR1=${1:-'multi'} typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR2=${2:-'blue'} typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3=${3:-'cyan'} typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4=${4:-'green'} # Prepare prompt typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1 # Promptchar typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PROMPTCHAR='%B%F{%(!.red.white)}%#%f%b' # same as above, but with $ instead of % as promptchar for unprivileged users #typeset -g PROMPT_ADAM3_PROMPTCHAR='%B%(!.%F{red}#.F{white}$)%f%b' # Prepare som local variables local -i hm=15 # max chars in hostname. Recalculate if above. # Set some styles for vcs_info zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git svn zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-changes true zstyle ':vcs_info:*' check-for-staged-changes true zstyle ':vcs_info:*' stagedstr ' S' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' unstagedstr ' U' zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats "%s %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%f " zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats "%s %r/%S %F{green}%b%F{red}%u%c%a%f " # Set username prompt local userprom="%K{${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR2}}%n@%k" # Change color of host, based on hostname if [[ "${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR1}" == 'multi' ]]; then # Map up letters to numbers to convert hostname to a number local -A map=( 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 \ a 0 b 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 f 5 g 6 h 7 i 8 j 9 \ k 0 l 1 m 2 n 3 o 4 p 5 q 6 r 7 s 8 t 9 \ u 0 v 1 w 2 x 3 y 4 z 5 , 6 . 7 - 8 _ 9 \ / 0 ) # Translate hostname into a pseudo-random number that won't change with # time. We do this "simply" by translating each letter into a corresponding # number, using the map above. local -i hostnum=${HOST//(#m)?/${map[$MATCH]}} # If we have a REALLY LONG hostname, the number we end up with will be too # large for zsh to handle. Here's a trick to shorten the number, while # still ending up with a predictable number for each host. if (( $#hostnum > hm )); then local -i s i for i in {0..$(( $#hostnum / hm ))}; s=$(( s + 0${hostnum:$(( i * hm )):$hm} )) hostnum=$s fi # define available color-bombos local -a colors=( black,red black,green black,yellow black,blue \ black,magenta black,cyan red,white red,yellow \ red,cyan green,black green,blue yellow,black \ yellow,blue blue,white blue,red blue,yellow \ magenta,white magenta,yellow cyan,white cyan,blue \ white,black white,red white,blue white,magenta ) # Select color local host_color=${colors[$hostnum % $#colors + 1]} # Go bold? local B b ((hostnum % 2)) && B=%B b=%b # Just in case hostnum is b0rked. (( ! hostnum )) && host_color="white,black" B= b= # for testing purposes #host_color=${colors[$RANDOM % $#colors + 1]} #host_bold=$(( $RANDOM % 2 )) # This is where we set up the actual prompt. PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1="$userprom$B%K{${host_color%,*}}%F{${host_color##*,}}%m%f%k$b " else # If one wants a specific color, just set ut, plain and simple PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1="$userprom%K{${PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR1}}%m%k" fi add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_adam3_precmd } prompt_adam3_precmd () { setopt localoptions extendedglob noxtrace local nl=$'\n' PS1="${PROMPT_ADAM3_PS1}" # Change prompt layout at 70 cols. If more - single line. If less - double line. if (( COLUMNS > 70 )); then PS1+="%B%F{$PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3}%-40<..<%(4~,..,)%3~%f%b%<< " RPS1="%F{$PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4}%*%f" else PS1+="%B%F{$PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR3}%-10<..<%~%f%b%<<" # Do clock on same line. RPS1 does not support multiline. RPS1= # Calculate prompt-length by first removing all zero-length characters. From # prompt_bart_setup in zsh. local -i prompt_length=${#${(S%%)PS1//\%([BSUbfksu]|[FK]\{*\})/}} #local spaces=$((COLUMNS - prompt_length + 2)) #local right="%F{$PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4}%*%f" #PS1+="${(l:$spaces:)right}$nl" PS1+="${(l:$((COLUMNS - prompt_length +2)):):-"%F{$PROMPT_ADAM3_COLOR4}%*%f"}$nl" fi vcs_info PS1+="${vcs_info_msg_0_}" # Display exit-code PS1+="%(?..[%F{red}%?%f] )" PS1+="$PROMPT_ADAM3_PROMPTCHAR " (( ${+VIRTUAL_ENV} )) && PS1="%F{208}(${VIRTUAL_ENV:t})%f ${PS1}" PS2="${PS1}%_> %b%f%k" PS3="${PS1}?# %b%f%k" } prompt_adam3_setup "${@}" # END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim: filetype=zsh