#!/bin/sh set -ex export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export HOME="/config" # motd chmod 644 /etc/update-motd.d/* systemctl mask motd-news.service systemctl mask motd-news.timer # Add update- and security-repositories, and perform upgrade RELEASE=$(cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_CODENAME | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') echo "deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ${RELEASE}-security main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ${RELEASE}-updates main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update && apt-get --yes full-upgrade && apt-get --yes autoremove # sabnzbd groupadd --system --gid 997 warez useradd --system --gid warez --uid 997 warez add-apt-repository --yes ppa:jcfp/nobetas add-apt-repository --yes ppa:jcfp/sab-addons apt-get install --yes sabnzbdplus python-sabyenc par2-tbb python-pip pip install --no-cache-dir apprise chardet pynzb requests sabyenc apt-get purge --auto-remove --yes python-pip apt-get clean