* Module dependencies
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, User = mongoose.model('User')
, Project = mongoose.model('Project')
, Access = mongoose.model('Access')
, env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
, config = require('../config/config')[env]
, Validator = require('validator').Validator
, v = new Validator()
, sanitize = require('validator').sanitize;
// validation error handling. This collects all errors before pushing them out in getErrors()
Validator.prototype.error = function(msg) {
return this;
Validator.prototype.getErrors = function() {
var returnThis = this._errors;
this._errors = ''; // need to reset errors between sessions because of object model
return returnThis;
* Login
exports.login = function(req, res) {
res.render('login', {
title: 'Login'
* Logout
exports.logout = function(req, res) {
* Signin
* This is triggered when the user post to /login
exports.signin = function(req, res) {
* Signup
exports.signup = function(req, res) {
res.render('signup', { title: 'Registrer deg' });
* Create users
exports.create = function(req, res) {
var user = new User(req.body);
user.provider = 'local';
user.save(function(err) {
if (err) return res.render('signup', { errors: err.errors, user: user });
req.logIn(user, function(err) {
if (err) return next(err);
return res.redirect('/dashboard');
* AuthCallback
* This is what happends when a user has signed in using facebook/twitter
exports.authCallback = function(req, res, next) {
* postProjectParticipants
* This callback is in this file because it treats users.
exports.postProjectParticipants = function(req, res) {
Project.loadShort(req.params.short, function(err, project) {
if (err || !project) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
Access.checkAccess(req.user._id, project._id, 3, function(err, access) {
if (err || !access) return res.status(403).render('error', { title: '403', text: 'No sir! NO ACCESS FOR YOU', error: err });
// validate
var emails = sanitize(req.body.emails).xss();
v.check(emails, 'You need to enter some emails to invite someone').notEmpty();
//var emails = sanitize(req.body.emails).xss();
emails = emails.split('\r\n');
emails.forEach(function(m) { // m = each mailaddress
if (m) v.check(m, m + ' is not a valid email').isEmail();
// error when validation fails
var errors = v.getErrors();
if (errors.length !== 0) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'Det oppstod en valideringsfeil<br>' + errors, error: errors });
// Require dependencies. We require them here so that they're not fetched until they're actually needed.
var email = require('emailjs')
, server = email.server.connect(config.email)
, message = {
subject: 'You were invited to use Divid',
from: 'Divid <divid@divid.no>',
emails.forEach(function(mailAddress) { // loops through all the emails and sets up each user
User.loadUser(mailAddress, function(err, user) {
if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
if (!user) { //if the user doesn't exist, create one
console.log('fant ingen brukere med den eposten. må invitere og stasj');
var newUser = new User();
newUser.email = mailAddress;
newUser.status = 1;
newUser.password = newUser.generateRandomToken(32);
newUser.save(function(err) {
if (err) return res.render('projectParticipants', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', loggedin: true });
console.log('made new user ' + newUser._id);
var access = new Access();
access.user = newUser._id;
access.creator = req.user._id;
access.project = project._id;
access.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.render('projectParticipants', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', loggedin: true });
console.log('made new access for user ' + newUser._id);
message.to = newUser.email;
message.text = 'Du ble lagt til projektet "' + project.name + '"';
server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message);});
message.to = newUser.email;
message.text = 'Hei hå';
server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message);});
} else { // if the user exists, add him to the project
Access.checkAccess(user._id, project._id, 0, function(err, acc) {
if (err) return res.render('projectParticipants', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', loggedin: true });
if (acc) { // if the user already has access to the project.. do nothing
console.log('user ' + user.email + ' already has access to project ' + project.name);
} else {
console.log('fant en bruker. må lage ny access til han og si i fra.');
var access = new Access();
access.user = user._id;
access.creator = req.user._id;
access.project = project._id;
access.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.render('projectParticipants', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', loggedin: true });
console.log('made new access for user ' + user.username);
message.to = user.email;
message.text = 'Du ble lagt til projektet "' + project.name + '"';
server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message);});