path: root/public/js/views/signup.js
blob: 52de1978c859dbdc4696fa9c6ba2418ccfb70e3e (plain) (tree)


	var av = new AccountValidator();
	var sc = new SignupController();
		beforeSubmit : function(formData, jqForm, options){
			return av.validateForm();
		success	: function(responseText, status, xhr, $form){
			if (status == 'success') $('.modal-alert').modal('show');
		error : function(e){
			if (e.responseText == 'email-taken'){
			}	else if (e.responseText == 'username-taken'){
// customize the account signup form //
	$('#account-form h1').text('Signup');
	$('#account-form #sub1').text('Please tell us a little about yourself');
	$('#account-form #sub2').text('Choose your username & password');
// setup the alert that displays when an account is successfully created //

	$('.modal-alert').modal({ show : false, keyboard : false, backdrop : 'static' });
	$('.modal-alert .modal-header h3').text('Success!');
	$('.modal-alert .modal-body p').html('Your account has been created.</br>Click OK to return to the login page.');
