path: root/controllers/system.js
diff options
authorDennis Eriksen <dennis.se@gmail.com>2013-05-25 11:17:42 +0200
committerDennis Eriksen <dennis.se@gmail.com>2013-05-25 11:17:42 +0200
commite582c3b84c6090b08f33d599c354968fcd868d14 (patch)
treeb6de1b7b1f708bf9126ccb709d5129e91a67c7d5 /controllers/system.js
parentchanged what gets collected (diff)
moved and renamed files to match the filesetup we want.
havebeen using a dev-setup till now.
Diffstat (limited to 'controllers/system.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/controllers/system.js b/controllers/system.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c29e06f..0000000
--- a/controllers/system.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
- * Module dependencies
- */
-var mongoose = require('mongoose')
- , env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
- , config = require('../config/config.js')[env]
- , Project = mongoose.model('Project')
- , Access = mongoose.model('Access')
- , User = mongoose.model('User')
- , pPost = mongoose.model('pPost')
- , Validator = require('validator').Validator
- , v = new Validator()
- , sanitize = require('validator').sanitize;
-// validation error handling. This collects all errors before pushing them out in getErrors()
-Validator.prototype.error = function(msg) {
- this._errors.push(msg);
- return this;
-Validator.prototype.getErrors = function() {
- var returnThis = this._errors;
- this._errors = ''; // need to reset errors between sessions because of object model
- return returnThis;
- * Before the user log in
- * ===============================================================
-exports.index = function(req, res) {
- if (req.user !== undefined) { return res.redirect('/dashboard'); }
- res.render('index', { title: 'DERS', user: req.user });
- };
-exports.test = function(req, res) {
- res.render('test', {
- title: 'test',
- user: req.user
- });
-exports.home = function(req, res) {
- res.render('home', {
- title: 'home',
- user: req.user
- });
-exports.faq = function(req, res) {
- res.render('faq', {
- title: 'faq',
- user: req.user
- });
-exports.contact = function(req, res) {
- res.render('contact', {
- title: 'contact',
- user: req.user
- });
- * After the user has logged in
- * ===============================================================
-exports.dashboard = function(req, res) {
- Access.find({ user: req.user._id }, function(err, accesses) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- console.log('accesses ' + accesses);
- accesses.forEach(function(access) {
- Project.load(access.project, function(err, project) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- projectList.push(project);
- console.log(project.user.username);
- });
- });
- });
- if (req.user.status < 3) {
- if (req.header('Referer') === undefined) { return res.status(403).render('error', { title: 403, text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til denne siden. Du må registrere deg først. Sjekk mailen din for å se invitekode.' }); }
- else { return res.redirect('back'); }
- }
- Access.loadUser(req.user._id, function(err, projects) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- var projectIDs = [];
- var pro = { project: [] };
- projects.forEach(function(project) {
- projectIDs.push(project.project._id);
- pro.project[project.project._id] = {
- total: 0 // total for project
- , user: 0 // what req-user has spent on project
- , users: 0 // number of users on project
- };
- });
- Access.loadProjects(projectIDs, function(err, participants) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- participants.forEach(function(p) {
- pro.project[p.project].users++;
- });
- pPost.loadByProjects(projectIDs, function(err, posts) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- Access.loadProjects(projectIDs, function(err, participants) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- posts.forEach(function(p) {
- if (String(p.user._id) === String(req.user._id)) pro.project[p.project._id].user += p.value;
- pro.project[p.project._id].total += p.value;
- });
- res.render('dashboard', {
- title: 'Dashboard'
- , user: req.user
- , projects: projects
- , posts: posts
- , participants: participants
- , pro: pro
- });
- });
- });
- /* res.render('dashboard', {
- title: 'Dashboard',
- user: req.user,
- projects: projects
- });
- });
- });
- Project.find(function(err, projects) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- res.render('dashboard', {
- title: 'Dashboad',
- user: req.user,
- projects: projects
- });
- });*/
-exports.project = function(req, res) {
- Project.loadShort(req.params.short, function(err, project) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- Access.loadProject(project._id, function(err, access) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- pPost.loadProject(project._id, function(err, posts) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- // ALRIGHT! This is where the FUN starts!
- // first we create an object that will hold all the calculational data
- var pro = {
- users: 0 // number of users
- , user: [] // this array will contain every user. Every user will then have it's own object inside this.
- , total: 0 // the overall total.
- , each: 0 // what each person has to pay
- , otot: 0 // how much is owned in total!
- };
- // then we calculate how many users we have, and initiate objects foreach user
- access.forEach(function(a) {
- if (String(a.user._id) === String(req.user._id)) req.user.permissions = a.permissions; //sets YOUR permissions in this project
- pro.users++;
- pro.user[a.user._id] = {
- total: 0
- , diff: 0
- , coeff: 0 // the coefficient of hom much you are owned
- , name: a.user.name
- };
- });
- // now we must collect all the money!
- posts.forEach(function(p) {
- pro.total += parseFloat(p.value);
- pro.user[p.user._id].total += parseFloat(p.value);
- });
- // then calculate how much each user must pay in total
- pro.each = pro.total / pro.users;
- // then calculate how much each person owe and is owned
- for(var i in pro.user) {
- pro.user[i].diff = parseFloat(pro.user[i].total - pro.each).toFixed(2);
- if (pro.user[i].diff > 0) pro.otot += parseFloat(pro.user[i].diff);
- }
- for (var i in pro.user) {
- if (pro.user[i].diff > 0) pro.user[i].coeff = pro.user[i].diff / pro.otot;
- }
- console.log(pro);
- res.render('project', {
- title: project.name
- , user: req.user
- , req: req
- , project: project
- , access: access
- , posts: posts
- , pro: pro
- });
- });
- });
- });
-exports.projectParticipants = function(req, res) {
- if (req.user.status < 3) {
- if (req.header('Referer') === undefined) { return res.status(403).render('error', { title: 403, text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til denne siden. Du må registrere deg først. Sjekk mailen din for å se invitekode.' }); }
- else { return res.redirect('back'); }
- }
- res.render('projectParticipants', { title: 'Prosjektdeltakere', user: req.user });
-exports.projectPost = function(req, res) {
- /** ###################################
- * Need to check if user has access to this project!!
- */
- Project.loadShort(req.params.short, function(err, project) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- req.project = project;
- res.render('projectPost', { title: 'Legg til utgift', user: req.user, req: req, project: project });
- });
-exports.postProjectPost = function(req, res) {
- // Validation
- v.check(req.body.project, 'The project was lost').notEmpty();
- v.check(req.body.what, 'You need to fill in the what-field').notEmpty();
- v.check(req.body.value, 'The value must be a positive number').notEmpty().isInt().min(0);
- // error when validation fails
- var errors = v.getErrors();
- if (errors.length !== 0) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'Det oppstod en valideringsfeil ' + errors, error: errors });
- Project.loadShort(req.params.short, function(err, project) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- // check if access
- Access.checkAccess(req.user._id, project._id, 0, function(err, access) {
- if (err || !access) return res.status(403).render('error', { title: '403', text: 'no sir.' });
- // Time to fill in the model!
- var ppost = new pPost();
- ppost.user = req.user._id;
- ppost.for = req.user._id;
- ppost.project = project._id;
- ppost.what = sanitize(req.body.what).escape();
- ppost.comment = sanitize(req.body.comment).xss(); // xss will remove cross-site-scripting in the textfield.
- ppost.participants = sanitize(req.body.participants).escape();
- ppost.value = sanitize(req.body.value).toInt(); // this will remove leading zeroes. '0123' => '123'
- ppost.when = new Date(sanitize(req.body.date).escape() + ' ' + sanitize(req.body.time).escape() + ':00');
- ppost.save(function(err) {
- if (err) return res.render('projectPost', { title: 'Legg til utgift - en feil oppstod', user: req.user, req: req, project: project });
- return res.redirect('/project/' + project.shortURL);
- });
- });
- });
-exports.newProject = function(req, res) {
- if (req.user.status < 3) {
- if (req.header('Referer') === undefined) { return res.status(403).render('error', { title: 403, text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til denne siden. Du må registrere deg først. Sjekk mailen din for å se invitekode.' }); }
- else { return res.redirect('back'); }
- }
- res.render('newProject', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt', user: req.user });
-exports.postNewProject = function(req, res) {
- if (req.user.status < 3) {
- if (req.header('Referer') === undefined) { return res.status(403).render('error', { title: 403, text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til denne siden. Du må registrere deg først. Sjekk mailen din for å se invitekode.' }); }
- else { return res.redirect('back'); }
- }
- var project = new Project(req.body);
- project.user = req.user._id;
- project.save(function(err) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err.errors);
- return res.render('newproject', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', user: req.user, errors: err.errors, project: project });
- }
- var access = new Access();
- access.user = req.user._id;
- access.creator = req.user._id;
- access.project = project._id;
- access.permissions = 9;
- access.save(function(err) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err.errors);
- return res.render('newproject', { title: 'Nytt prosjekt - en feil oppstod', user: req.user });
- }
- return res.redirect('/dashboard');
- });
- });
-exports.deleteProjectPost = function(req, res) {
- Project.findOne({ shortURL: req.params.short }).select('_id').exec(function(err, project) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- Access.findOne({project: project._id, user: req.user._id}, function(err, access) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- if (!access) return res.status(403).render('error', { title: '403', text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til å gjøre dette' });
- pPost.load(req.params.post, function(err, post) {
- if (err || !post) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err });
- if (post.user._id === req.user._id || access.permissions >= 6) {
- pPost.remove({ _id: post._id }, function(err) {
- if (err) return res.status(500).render('error', { title: '500', text: 'En serverfeil oppstod', error: err.stack });
- console.log('deleted post ' + post._id);
- return res.redirect('back');
- })
- } else { return res.status(403).render('error', { title: '403', text: 'Du har ikke tilgang til å gjøre dette' }); }
- })
- })
- });