#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Filename: makepass.zsh
# Purpose: Creating random passwords.
# Authors: Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
# Bug-Reports: Email <git@dnns.no>
# License: This file is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.
# This file generates random passwords
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Dennis Eriksen • d@ennis.no
# Globals
# typeset
# -a = array
# -i = integer
# -g = global
# -r = readonly
typeset -gri MAX=255 # max length of passwords
typeset -gri RANGE_MAX=42 # max length when using random length
typeset -gri RANGE_MIN=8 # min length when using random length
typeset -gri PASS_WORDS=8 # number of words in passphrases
typeset -gr LOWER='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
typeset -gr DIGIT='0123456789'
typeset -gr OTHER='!#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|@*'
typeset -gr ALPHA=${LOWER}${UPPER}
typeset -gr ALNUM=${ALPHA}${DIGIT}
typeset -gr EVERY=${ALNUM}${OTHER}
typeset -gi LENGTH=${MAKEPASS_LENGTH:-0} # length of passwords. 0 means "random number between RANGE_MIN and RANGE_MAX"
typeset -gi NUMBER=${MAKEPASS_NUMBER:-10} # number of passwords
typeset -gi PRINTLEN=${MAKEPASS_PRINTLEN:-0} # print length of passwords
typeset -g WORDLIST=${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST:-/usr/share/dict/words}
typeset -ga WORDS # Array of words from WORDLIST
typeset -gi COL_WIDTH # Width of columns we will be printing
typeset -gi COL_NUM # Number of columns to print
# Functions
# main-function. This is where the magic happens
function main() {
setopt localoptions
# Getopts
while getopts 'hl:n:p' opt; do
case $opt in
_makepass_help && return 0;;
[[ $OPTARG = <0-> && $OPTARG -le $MAX ]] || die "-l takes a number between 0 and $MAX"
[[ $OPTARG = <1-> && $OPTARG -le $MAX ]] || die "-n takes a number between 1 and $MAX"
die "Unknown argument";;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
# Some error-checking
# We only take one argument in addition to the optargs
(( ARGC > 1 )) && die "only one argument"
# if there is an argument, set it to $LENGTH
[[ -n $1 ]] && LENGTH=$1
# Check $LENGTH and $NUMBER
# Both are integers so no need to check if they are numbers
# If they were somehow assigned to, say "xx", they would be 0
(( 0 <= LENGTH && LENGTH <= MAX )) || die "length must be a number between 0 and $MAX"
(( 1 <= NUMBER && NUMBER <= MAX )) || die "number-argument must be between 1 and $MAX"
# Some other work
# Seed $RANDOM with a random 32bit integer from /dev/random
local r4 # will be filled with 4 random bytes from /dev/random
IFS= read -rk4 -u0 r4 < /dev/random || return
local b1=$r4[1] b2=$r4[2] b3=$r4[3] b4=$r4[4]
RANDOM=$(( #b1 << 24 | #b2 << 16 | #b3 << 8 | #b4 ))
# We zero-pad printlength, so we need three extra chars if LENGTH < 100 (four
# if LENGTH >= 100). Two for printlength, one for the space.
(( PRINTLEN )) && { ((LENGTH < 100)) && PRINTLEN=3 || PRINTLEN=4 }
# Calculate width of columns and number of columns to use
# add two for spacing between columns
# $COLUMNS is a builtin variable for width of terminal
# Just in case COL_NUM=0 because of a small terminal or something
(( COL_NUM )) || COL_NUM=1
# Print!
print_columns "Passwords with special characters" $NUMBER $NORMAL
print; : $RANDOM # Just to make sure we get a fresh number
print_columns "Passwords with special characters" $((NUMBER/3*2+1)) $SPECIAL
# Passphrases - but only if a wordlist is available
if [[ -r $WORDLIST ]] && ((NUMBER / 2 > 0)); then
print; : $RANDOM
print "Passphrases:"
# Read wordlist into array
# Run passphrase-function to output passphrases
repeat $((NUMBER / 2)) passphrase
# Function to print passwords in neat columns
function print_columns() {
local title=$1
local num=$2
local chars=$3
local -i i=0
local strings=($(repeat $num { randstring $chars; : $RANDOM }))
print -- "$title"
for s in $strings; do
let i++
(( PRINTLEN )) && s="$#s $s"
printf "%-${COL_WIDTH}s" $s;
((i % COL_NUM == 0 || (i == num && i % COL_NUM > 0))) && print
# Function to create random strings
function randstring() {
local chars=${1:-$NORMAL}
local string
local -i len=$(( LENGTH \
repeat $len string+=$chars[$((RANDOM % $#chars + 1))]
if ((len >= 2)); then
# add new character to start of line and remove 2 from old string
string=$ALPHA[$((RANDOM % $#ALPHA + 1))]$string[2,-2]
# add new character to end of string
string+=$ALPHA[$((RANDOM % $#ALPHA + 1))]
print -- $string; return
# Create random passphrase
function passphrase() {
setopt localoptions rematch_pcre
local prestring string
# Put together $len random words, separated by '-'
repeat $PASS_WORDS prestring+=$WORDS[$((RANDOM % $#WORDS + 1))]'-'
prestring=$prestring[1,-2] # remove trailing dash
# This while-loop removes any characters NOT in '[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]'
while [[ -n $prestring ]]; do
if [[ $prestring =~ '[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]' ]]; then
string+=$prestring # append the rest of $prestring
printf '%s\n' $string; return
# Function to die
function die() {
print -u2 -- "$@"
print -u2 -- "Maybe try running \`$ZSH_SCRIPT -h\` for help"
exit 1
# Help-function
function _makepass_help() {
print -- $'NAME
makepass - create several random passwords
makepass [OPTIONS] [NUM]
If a NUM is provided, passwords will be NUM characters long.
By default `makepass` will output passwords from the three following classes:
- Normal passwords - random strings with letters (both lower and upper
case), numbers, and dashes and underscores.
- Passwords with special characters - random strings generated from lower
and upper case letters, numbers, and the following characters:
- Passphrases - if we find a dictionary, a series of eight random words
from the dictionary, separated by dashes. The number of words can not be
changed, but you do not have to use all of them. Use as mane as you want.
The first and last letter will always be a letter.
makepass has the following options:
output this help-text
length of passwords. See MAKEPASS_LENGTH below
number of passwords. See MAKEPASS_NUMBER below
print length of number
makepass examines the following environmental variables.
Specifies the length of passwords. Valid values are 0-255. If 0, a
random value between 8 and 42 will be used for each password. -l
overrides this environmental variable, and the argument NUM overrides
that again. So `MAKEPASS_LENGTH=10 makepass -l 12 14` will give
passwords that are 14 characters long, even though both -l and
MAKEPASS_LENGTH also specifies a length.
The number of passwords to generate. This formula is used to determine
how many passwords from each group should be generated:
- (n) normal passwords
- (n / 3 * 2 + 1) special passwords
- (n / 2) passphrases
Where n is 10 by default. Valid values for n are 1-255. Floating-poing
math is not used, so results may vary.
If 1, print length of all passwords. If 0, don\'t.
String of characters from which to generate "normal" passwords.
Defaults to:
String of characters from which to generate passwords with special
characters. Defaults to the same characters as in MAKEPASS_NORMAL, plus
Specifies the dictionary we find words for passphrases in. If this is
unset or empty, we try "/usr/share/dict/words". If that file does not
exist, no passphrases will be provided.
This scripts makes use of $RANDOM - a builtin in zsh which produces a
pseudo-random integer between 0 and 32767, newly generated each time the
parameter is referenced. We initially seed the random number generator with
a random 32bit integer generated from /dev/random. This should provide
enough randomnes to generate sufficiently secure passwords.
Dennis Eriksen <https://dnns.no>'
return 0
# Run main function! GOGOGO!
main "${@:-}"
# Last time I redid this script I benchmarked some ways to generate random
# strings. Here's the results:
# subshell with tr | fold | head
# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=$(tr -cd '[:alpha:]' </dev/random | fold -w 20 | head -n1 ) } )
# 45.32s user 22.38s system 201% cpu 33.598 total
# subshell with head | tr | tail
# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=$(head -n100 /dev/random | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tail -c20 ) } )
# 40.88s user 17.87s system 187% cpu 31.249 total
# subshell sysread | tr in brace-expansion instead of head/tail
# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=${${:-"$(sysread -i 1 </dev/random | tr -cd '[:alpha:]')"}[1,20]} } )
# 24.13s user 11.38s system 120% cpu 29.442 total
# string-addition with randint32()-function to get random 32bit integer from /dev/random
# % time (repeat 10000 { string='';repeat 20 string+=$ALPHA[$((randint32() % $#ALPHA + 1))] })
# 8.17s user 3.28s system 99% cpu 11.475 total
# string-addition and $RANDOM
# % time (repeat 10000 { string='';repeat 20 string+=$ALPHA[$((RANDOM % $#ALPHA + 1))] } )
# 0.74s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.741 total
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