path: root/src/go/main.go
blob: a5241a383b0b366225f30a165107af326afca190 (plain) (tree)





























// Author  : Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
// File    : makepass.go
// Created : 2023-09-05
// Licence : BSD-3-Clause
// Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>

package main

import (

// Basic constant definitions
const (
	max       = 255 // Maximum length of passwords
	rangeMax  = 42  // Maximum range for password length
	rangeMin  = 8   // Minimum range for password length
	passWords = 8   // Number of words in passphrases

	lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	digit = "0123456789"
	other = "!$%&#/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|@*" // Special characters for special passwords

	defaultFile = "/usr/share/dict/words" // Default path to the file of words used for passphrases

// Variables for different types of passwords
var (
	alpha    []string = strings.Split(lower+upper, "")             // Array of alphabets (lowercase and uppercase)
	alnum    []string = append(alpha, strings.Split(digit, "")...) // Array of alphanumeric characters
	every    []string = append(alnum, strings.Split(other, "")...) // Array of all characters (alphabet, digit and special)
	normal   []string = append(alnum, "-", "_")                    // Characters for normal passwords
	special  []string = every                                      // Characters for special passwords
	wordlist string   = defaultFile                                // Path to a dictionary to use for passphrases
	colWidth int      = 1
	colNum   int      = 1

	length    int  = 0 // Length of passwords
	number    int  = 10
	printBool bool = false
	printLen  int  = 0
	help      bool = false

func main() {

	// define error-vars
	var errl error // err for length
	var errn error // err for number

	// Handle environment
	if len(os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_LENGTH")) > 0 {
		length, errl = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_LENGTH"))
	if len(os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_NUMBER")) > 0 {
		number, errn = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_NUMBER"))
	// Get wordlist from env
	if len(os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_WORDLIST")) > 0 {
		wordlist = os.Getenv("MAKEPASS_WORDLIST")

	// Flag handling
	flag.BoolVar(&help, "h", help, "print helptext")
	flag.IntVar(&length, "l", length, "length of passwords to output\nmust be a number between 0 and "+strconv.Itoa(max))
	flag.IntVar(&number, "n", number, "number of passwords to output\nmust be a number between 1 and "+strconv.Itoa(max))
	flag.BoolVar(&printBool, "p", printBool, "print length of each password")

	if help {

	// Handle cmd-line args that are not flags
	if len(flag.Args()) == 1 {
		length, errl = strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))

	// Error handling

	// We take max one argument
	if len(flag.Args()) > 1 {
		fmt.Println("only one argument")

	// If there is an error in conversion, or if the length is not within limits, exit the program with an error message
	if errl != nil || (length > max || length < 0) {
		fmt.Printf("length must be a number between 0 and %d.\n", max)
	if errn != nil || (number < 1 || max < number) {
		fmt.Printf("number-argument must be between 1 and  %d.\n", max)

	// move on

	// initialise the random seed
	// TODO: Get seed from /dev/random, like we do in the perl- and zsh-versions?

	// get screen width
	termWidth, _, err := term.GetSize(0)
	if err != nil {
		termWidth = 0

	// col width of printLen
	if printBool {
		// convert length to string and count length of string, and add one for space
		// In the other versions we add the space when calculating colNum, but go doesn't support ternary operators. This way we don't need an extra if-statement. Just subtract the space when printing the length in printColumns().
		if length <= 100 {
			printLen = 2 + 1
		} else {
			printLen = 3 + 1
	} else {
		printLen = 0

	// column width
	colWidth = rangeMax + 2
	if length > 0 {
		colWidth = length + 2

	// number of colums
	colNum = termWidth / (colWidth + printLen)
	if colNum == 0 {
		colNum = 1

	// print passwords

	// Generate and print normal and special passwords
	printColumns("Normal passwords:", number, normal)


	printColumns("Passwords with special characters:", number/3*2+1, special)

	// Generate and print passphrases if wordlist exists
	if _, err := os.Stat(wordlist); err == nil {
		// Read wordlist from file
		file, err := os.Open(wordlist)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("failed to open file: %s", err)
		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
		var words []string
		for scanner.Scan() {
			words = append(words, scanner.Text())

		// Print it

		for i := 0; i < number/2; i++ {

// Function to generate and print passwords
func printColumns(title string, num int, chars []string) {
	var strings []string

	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
		strings = append(strings, randstring(chars))

	// Print title

	// Print passwords in neat columns
	for i, str := range strings {
		if printBool {
			fmt.Printf("%0[1]*[2]d ", printLen-1, len(str))
		fmt.Printf("%-[1]*[2]s", colWidth, str)
		if (i+1)%colNum == 0 || (i+1 == num && (i+1)%colNum > 0) { // Add newlines

// Function to generate a random string of given length from given characters
func randstring(chars []string) string {
	l := length
	if length == 0 { // Random length if not specified
		l = rand.Intn(rangeMax-rangeMin+1) + rangeMin
	var str strings.Builder

	// Add random characters to str
	for i := 1; i <= l; i++ {
		if i == 1 { // don't want passwords to start or end with special characters
		} else if i == l {
		} else {
	return str.String()

// Function to generate passphrases
func passphrase(words []string) string {
	var str strings.Builder
	for i := 0; i < passWords; i++ {
		str.WriteString(words[rand.Intn(len(words))]) // Write a random word to the passphrase
		if i != passWords-1 {
			str.WriteString("-") // Add hyphen between words
	return str.String()

// Help-function
func printHelp() {
    makepass - create several random passwords

    makepass [OPTIONS] [NUM]

    If a NUM is provided, passwords will be NUM characters long.

    By default ` + "`makepass`" + ` will output passwords from the three following classes:

    - Normal passwords - random strings with letters (both lower and upper
      case), numbers, and dashes and underscores.

    - Passwords with special characters - random strings generated from lower
      and upper case letters, numbers, and the following characters:

    - Passphrases - if we find a dictionary, a series of eight random words
      from the dictionary, separated by dashes. The number of words can not be
      changed, but you do not have to use all of them. Use as mane as you want.

    The first character will always be alphabetic, and the last will always be

    makepass has the following options:

        output this help-text
        length of passwords. See MAKEPASS_LENGTH below
        number of passwords. See MAKEPASS_NUMBER below
        print length of number

    makepass examines the following environmental variables.

        Specifies the length of passwords. Valid values are 0-255. If 0, a
        random value between 8 and 42 will be used for each password. -l
        overrides this environmental variable, and the argument NUM overrides
        that again. So ` + "MAKEPASS_LENGTH=10 makepass -l 12 14" + ` will give
        passwords that are 14 characters long, even though both -l and
        MAKEPASS_LENGTH also specifies a length.

        The number of passwords to generate. This formula is used to determine
        how many passwords from each group should be generated:
        - (n) normal passwords
        - (n / 3 * 2 + 1) special passwords
        - (n / 2) passphrases
        Where n is 10 by default. Valid values for n are 1-255. Floating-poing
        math is not used, so results may vary.

        If 1, print length of all passwords. If 0, don\'t.

        String of characters from which to generate "normal" passwords.
        Defaults to:

        String of characters from which to generate passwords with special
        characters. Defaults to the same characters as in MAKEPASS_NORMAL, plus

        Specifies the dictionary we find words for passphrases in. If this is
        unset or empty, we try "/usr/share/dict/words". If that file does not
        exist, no passphrases will be provided.

    This scripts makes use of $RANDOM - a builtin in zsh which produces a
    pseudo-random integer between 0 and 32767, newly generated each time the
    parameter is referenced. We initially seed the random number generator with
    a random 32bit integer generated from /dev/random. This should provide
    enough randomnes to generate sufficiently secure passwords.

    Dennis Eriksen <https://dnns.no>`)
