path: root/bin
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Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bin/makepass b/bin/bin/makepass
deleted file mode 120000
index a40a9ef..0000000
--- a/bin/bin/makepass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-makepass.zsh \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/bin/makepass.bash b/bin/bin/makepass.bash
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ebc60b..0000000
--- a/bin/bin/makepass.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Filename: ~/bin/makepass
-# Purpose: Creating random passwords.
-# Authors: Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
-# Some parts have been shamelessly stolen from other places.
-# These parts will normally have a comment saying where it's
-# from. For instance, this header format is stolen from the
-# GRML-team (grml.org).
-# Bug-Reports: Email <idgatt@dnns.no>
-# License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2.
-# This file takes randomness from /dev/urandom and turns it into random
-# passwords.
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Dennis Eriksen • d@ennis.no
-# makepass-function
-function makepass {
- local l=$1
- local words
- local first
- local last
- # if $l is not a number, then exit
- [[ ! $l =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [[ ! "$l" == "" ]] && echo "not a number" && return 1
- # if $1 is actually empty, set $l to random value for each output
- echo "Normal passwords:"
- for i in {1..10}; do
- [ "$1" = "" ] && l=$(shuf -i 8-44 -n 1)
- head -n10 /dev/urandom | tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | cut -c-${1:-$l};
- done | column
- echo ""
- echo "Passwords with special characters:"
- for i in {1..6}; do
- [ "$1" = "" ] && l=$(shuf -i 16-64 -n 1)
- first=$(head -n10 /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z | cut -c-1)
- words=$(head -n10 /dev/urandom | tr -dc '!#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|\@*^A-Z-a-z-0-9' | cut -c-${1:-$l})
- last=$(head -n10 /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z | cut -c-1)
- echo "${first}${words}${last}"
- done | column
- if [ -r "${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST}" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Passphrases:"
- for i in {1..5}; do
- words=$(shuf -n 8 "${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST}" | tr '\n' '-' | tr -dc '_A-Z-a-z-0-9')
- echo "${words:0:-1}"
- done;
- fi
-makepass "${@:-}"
-## END OF FILE #################################################################
-# vim:syntax=sh filetype=sh
diff --git a/bin/bin/makepass.sh b/bin/bin/makepass.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7db96fd..0000000
--- a/bin/bin/makepass.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# Filename: ~/bin/makepass.sh
-# Purpose: Creating random passwords.
-# Authors: Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
-# Bug-Reports: Email <idgatt@dnns.no>
-# License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2.
-# This file takes randomness from /dev/urandom and turns it into random
-# passwords.
-# This particualr script is meant to be fully POSIX compatible.
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dennis Eriksen • d@ennis.no
-# makepass-function
-makepass() {
- # We only take one argument
- [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && printf '%s\n' 'only one argument' && return 1
- # if $1 is not empty and is not a number
- if [ ! -z "$1" ] && ! printf '%d' "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf '%s\n' 'not a number' && return 1; fi
- if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! ${1:-0} -gt 0 ]; then printf '%s\n' 'not a number above 0'; return 1; fi
- # Go!
- len=$1
- printf '%s\n' 'Normal passwords:'
- i=0
- while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do
- _random "${len:-}" '_A-Z-a-z-0-9' true
- i=$((i + 1))
- done | column
- printf '\n'
- printf '%s\n' 'Passwords with special characters:'
- i=0
- while [ $i -lt 6 ]; do
- _random "${len:-}" '!#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|\@*^A-Z-a-z-0-9' true
- i=$((i + 1))
- done | column
- if [ -r "${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST}" ]; then
- printf '\n'
- printf '%s\n' 'Passphrases:'
- lines=$(wc -l < ${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST})
- i=0
- while [ $i -lt 5 ]; do
- # shuf is the best solution here, but it is very much not portable.
- #words=$(shuf -n 8 "${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST}" | tr '\n' '-' | tr -dc '_A-Z-a-z-0-9')
- words=""
- j=0
- while [ $j -lt 8 ]; do
- words="${words}-$(sed -n $(($(_RANDOM) % $lines + 1))p "${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST}" | tr -dc '_A-Z-a-z-0-9')"
- j=$((j + 1))
- done
- printf '%s\n' "${words#-}"
- i=$((i + 1))
- done
- fi
- unset len i lines j words
- return 0
-# get random number
-_RANDOM() {
- N=0
- while [ ! "$N" = "${N#0}" ]; do
- N=$(head -n 100 /dev/urandom | tr -cd "[:digit:]" | tail -c 8)
- done
- printf '%s\n' "$N" && return 0
-# Function to create random stuff
-_random() (
- # sh does not like leading zeroes when doing math with numbers. Let's reset until we have a number that doesn't start with 0.
- # Default is a number between 8 and 44
- len=${1:-$(($(_RANDOM) % (44 - 8 + 1) + 8))}
- # Default to [:alnum:] if no chars are specified
- chars=${2:-'[:alnum:]'}
- # First-Last-Alpha - if you want the first and the last letter to be from [:alpha:]
- fla=${3:-'false'}
- if [ "$fla" = "true" ]; then
- if [ $len -le 2 ]; then
- string="$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tail -c $len)"
- else
- string="$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tail -c 1)"
- string="${string}$(head -n 100 /dev/urandom | tr -cd "$chars" | tail -c $((len-2)))"
- string="${string}$(head -n 10 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tail -c 1)"
- fi
- else
- string="$(head -n 100 /dev/urandom | tr -cd "$chars" | tail -c $len)"
- fi
- printf '%s\n' "$string"
- unset len chars fla string
- return 0
-makepass "${@:-}"
-## END OF FILE #################################################################
diff --git a/bin/bin/makepass.zsh b/bin/bin/makepass.zsh
deleted file mode 100755
index 319a200..0000000
--- a/bin/bin/makepass.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-emulate zsh
-# Filename: ~/bin/makepass.zsh
-# Purpose: Creating random passwords.
-# Authors: Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
-# Bug-Reports: Email <idgatt@dnns.no>
-# License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2.
-# This file takes randomness from /dev/urandom and turns it into random
-# passwords.
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Dennis Eriksen • d@ennis.no
-# Help-function
-function _makepass_help() {
- local string='NAME
- makepass - create several random passwords
- makepass [OPTIONS] [NUM]
- If a NUM is provided, the we will output passwords of that length.
- By default `makepass` will output passwords from the three following classes:
- - Normal passwords - 10 random strings with letters (both lower and upper
- case), numbers, and dashes and underscores.
- - Passwords with special characters - six random strings generated from
- lower and upper case letters, numbers, and the following characters:
- !#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|\@*
- - Passphrases - if we find a dictionary, five series of eight random words
- from the dictionary, separated by dashes. The number of words can not be
- changed, but you do not have to use all of them. Use as mane as you want.
- makepass has the following options:
- -h
- output this help-text
- makepass examines the following environmental variables.
- Specifies the default length of passwords. Valid values are "random"
- (default), or a number. If "random", a random value between 8 and 42
- will be used for each password. If `makepass` is run with a NUM as an
- argument, that NUM overrides this variable.
- String of characters from which to generate "normal" passwords.
- Defaults to:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_
- String of characters from which to generate passwords with special
- characters. Defaults to the same characters as in MAKEPASS_NORMAL, plus
- these:
- !#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|\@*
- Specifies the dictionary we find words for passphrases in. If this is
- unset or empty, we try "/usr/share/dict/words". If that file does not
- exist, no passphrases will be provided.
- This scripts makes use of $RANDOM - a builtin in zsh which produces a
- pseudo-random integer between 0 and 32767, newly generated each time the
- parameter is referenced. We initially seed the random number generator with
- a random 32bit integer generated from /dev/urandom. This should provide
- enough randomnes to generate sufficiently secure passwords.
- Dennis Eriksen <https://dnns.no>'
- print -- $string
- return 0
-# Create random passphrase
-function randphrase() {
- setopt localoptions rematch_pcre
- local -i len=${1:-8}
- local prestring string
- # Put together $len random words, separated by '-'
- repeat $len prestring+=$words[$((RANDOM % $#words + 1))]'-'
- prestring=$prestring[1,-2] # remove trailing dash
- # This while-loop removes any characters NOT in '[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]'
- while [[ -n $prestring ]]; do
- if [[ $prestring =~ '[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]' ]]; then
- string+=${prestring[1,MBEGIN-1]}
- prestring=${prestring[MEND+1,-1]}
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- string+=$prestring # append the rest of $prestring
- printf '%s\n' $string; return
-# Function to create random strings
-function randstring() {
- # Default is a number between 8 and 44
- local -i len=$(( ${1:-0} > 0 ? ${1:-0} : RANDOM % (44 - 8 + 1) + 8))
- local chars=${2:-$alnum}
- local flc=${3:-} # first-last-character
- local string
- repeat $len string+=$chars[$((RANDOM % $#chars + 1))]
- # If a third value is provided, it is used as the forst and last character in
- # the string
- if [[ -n $flc ]]; then
- string=$flc[$((RANDOM % $#flc + 1))]$string[2,-2]
- (( len >= 2 )) && string+=$flc[$((RANDOM % $#flc + 1))]
- fi
- printf '%s\n' "$string"; return
-# makepass-function. This is where the magic happens
-function makepass() {
- setopt localoptions
- local lower='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- local digit='0123456789'
- local other='!#$%&/()=?+-_,.;:<>[]{}|\@*'
- local alpha=${lower}${upper}
- local alnum=${alpha}${digit}
- local every=${alnum}${other}
- local length=${MAKEPASS_DEFAULT_LENGTH:-random}
- local normal=${MAKEPASS_NORMAL:-$alnum'-_'}
- local special=${MAKEPASS_SPECIAL:-$every}
- local wordlist=${MAKEPASS_WORDLIST:-/usr/share/dict/words}
- # Seed $RANDOM with a random 32bit integer from /dev/urandom
- local r4 # will be filled with 4 random bytes from /dev/urandom
- IFS= read -rk4 -u0 r4 < /dev/urandom || return
- local b1=$r4[1] b2=$r4[2] b3=$r4[3] b4=$r4[4]
- RANDOM=$(( #b1 << 24 | #b2 << 16 | #b3 << 8 | #b4 ))
- # Some error-checking
- # We only take one argument
- (( ARGC > 1 )) && print -u2 -- "only one argument\nmaybe try running \`makepass -h\` for help" && return 1
- # if $1 == -h
- [[ $1 == '-h' ]] && _makepass_help && return 0
- # if $1 is not empty and is not a number
- [[ -n $1 && ! $1 = <1-> ]] && print -u2 -- "not a number above 0\nmaybe try running \`makepass -h\` for help" && return 1
- # length of passwords
- local -i len=$(( length > 0 && ! ${1:-0} > 0 ? length : ${1:-0} ))
- # Normal passwords
- print "Normal passwords:"
- print -c -- $(repeat 10 { randstring $len $normal; : $RANDOM })
- print
- # Passowrds with special characters
- print "Passwords with special characters:"
- print -c -- $(repeat 6 { randstring $len $special $alpha; : $RANDOM })
- # Passphrases - but only if a wordlist is available
- if [[ -r $wordlist ]]; then
- print
- print "Passphrases:"
- local -a words=(${(f)"$(<"$wordlist")"})
- repeat 6 randphrase
- fi
-makepass "${@:-}"
-# Last time I redid this script I benchmarked some ways to generate random
-# strings. Here's the results:
-# subshell with tr | fold | head
-# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=$(tr -cd '[:alpha:]' </dev/urandom | fold -w 20 | head -n1 ) } )
-# 45.32s user 22.38s system 201% cpu 33.598 total
-# subshell with head | tr | tail
-# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=$(head -n100 /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | tail -c20 ) } )
-# 40.88s user 17.87s system 187% cpu 31.249 total
-# subshell sysread | tr in brace-expansion instead of head/tail
-# % time (repeat 10000 { string=''; string=${${:-"$(sysread -i 1 </dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]')"}[1,20]} } )
-# 24.13s user 11.38s system 120% cpu 29.442 total
-# string-addition with randint32()-function to get random 32bit integer from /dev/urandom
-# % time (repeat 10000 { string='';repeat 20 string+=$alpha[$((randint32() % $#alpha + 1))] })
-# 8.17s user 3.28s system 99% cpu 11.475 total
-# string-addition and $RANDOM
-# % time (repeat 10000 { string='';repeat 20 string+=$alpha[$((RANDOM % $#alpha + 1))] } )
-# 0.74s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.741 total
-## END OF FILE #################################################################