path: root/src/main.rs
blob: 380cc2f60305546e2faf91e15582f7729a86740d (plain) (tree)



































/* purl-rs
 * Author   : Dennis Eriksen <d@ennis.no>
 * Project  : purlrs
 * File     : src/main.rs
 * Created  : 2023-06-27

// standard imports
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Write;
use std::process::exit;

// imports from external crates
use dotenv;
use postgres::{Client, NoTls};
use dumb_cgi::{Request, EmptyResponse, Query};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng, distributions::Alphanumeric};
use regex::Regex;
use url::Url;

// Do the dirty
fn main() {

    // Get variables from dotenv
    let dburl:&str              = &dotenv::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap();
    let create_uri:&str         = &dotenv::var("CREATE_URI").unwrap_or("/create".to_string());
    let form_uri:&str           = &dotenv::var("FORM_URI").unwrap_or("/form".to_string());
    let short_uri_prefix:&str   = &dotenv::var("SHORT_URI_PREFIX").unwrap_or("/".to_string());

    // Connect to db
    let mut db = Client::connect(dburl, NoTls).unwrap();
    // TODO: Close connection when done.

    // Gather all request data from the environment and stdin.
    let req = Request::new().unwrap();

    // Get some variable from the current request
    let scheme:&str         = req.var("REQUEST_SCHEME").unwrap_or("https");
    let server_name:&str    = req.var("SERVER_NAME").unwrap_or("example.com");
    let docuri:&str         = req.var("DOCUMENT_URI").unwrap_or("");

    // Form
    if docuri == form_uri {

    // Create
    else if docuri == create_uri {

        // temporary empty map in case there is something wrong with the query
        let empty:&HashMap<String, String> = &HashMap::new();

        let query = match req.query() {
            Query::Some(map) => map,
            _ => empty, // empty map used here, if no map is found, or there is an error

        // Check for url in query. It is obligatory.
        if ! query.contains_key("url") {
            respond(400, "Error, no url in query");

        // Get url from query
        let url:&str = &query["url"];

        // Get short from query. Use supplied short if it exists, else generate random.
        // Use mut String, since we will have to change it if it already exists
        let mut short:String = if query.contains_key("short") {
            } else {

        // Get user from proxy, if user is logged in. Else use "nobody".
        let user:&str = req.var("REMOTE_USER").unwrap_or("nobody");

        // Check that url and short is valid
        if ! Url::parse(url).is_ok() {
            respond(400, "Invalid url");
        } else if ! check_short(&short) {
            respond(400, "Invalid short");

        // Check if short already exists.
        // If it does exist, set new random short. Try this five times. If we can not find a unique
        // random short i five tries, abort.
        for i in 1..5 {
            let sql = "SELECT url FROM shorts WHERE short = $1 LIMIT 1";
            match db.query_opt(sql, &[&short]).unwrap() {
                Some(_row)  => short = gen_short(), // If a row was returned, the short was not unique. Continue loop
                None        => break,   // If nothing was returned, the short IS unique. Break out of loop

            // Throw error if we couldn't create a unique short in fire tries
            if i == 5 { respond(500, "Could not find unique short"); }

        let sql = "INSERT INTO shorts (url, short, created_by) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);";
        match db.execute(sql, &[&url, &short, &user]) {
            Ok(_v)  => respond(200, &format!("{}://{}{}{}", scheme, server_name, short_uri_prefix, short)),
            Err(_e) => respond(500, "Could not save shortened url to database"),


    // Redirect
    else if docuri.starts_with(short_uri_prefix) {

        // Trim / and + from start
        let short = docuri.trim_start_matches(&['/', '+']);

        // Make sure short is valid
        if ! check_short(&short) { respond(400, "Invalid short"); }

        // Fetch URL from postgres and redirect, or return 404
        let sql = "SELECT url FROM shorts WHERE short = $1 LIMIT 1";
        match db.query_opt(sql, &[&short]).unwrap() {
            Some(row) => {
                let sql = "UPDATE shorts SET count = count + 1, last_visited = now() WHERE short = $1;";
                db.execute(sql, &[&short]).unwrap();
                respond(301, row.get("url"));
            None => respond(404, ""),

    // Else? Oops.
    else {
        respond(500, "Reached end of script. There is probably a config-error somewhere.");

// send cgi-response
fn respond(code:u16, body:&str) {
    // initiate response
    let mut r = EmptyResponse::new(code)

    // is 300 <= status < 400, and body is a url, perform redirection
    if (300..399).contains(&code) && Url::parse(body).is_ok() {
        r.add_header("Location", body);

    // if status >= 300, we want to include http-status in the response
    if code >= 300 {
        let mut toptext:String = format!("{} {}\n", code, status(code));
        if ! body.is_empty() { toptext.push_str("\n"); } // Add extra linebreak before error-text
        write!(&mut r, "{toptext}").unwrap();

    // write body, unless there is no body
    if ! body.is_empty() {
        write!(&mut r, "{}\n", body).unwrap();

    // respond and exit

// HTTP status codes
fn status<'a>(code:u16) -> &'a str {
    // I've only implemented statuscodes I *might* use
    return match code {
        200 => "OK",
        201 => "Created",
        202 => "Accepted",
        204 => "No Content",
        301 => "Moved Permanently",
        302 => "Found",
        304 => "Not Modified",
        307 => "Temporary Redirect",
        308 => "Permanent Redirect",
        400 => "Bad Request",
        401 => "Unauthorized",
        402 => "Payment Required",
        403 => "Forbidden",
        404 => "Not Found",
        405 => "Method Not Allowed",
        406 => "Not Acceptableo",
        410 => "Gone",
        414 => "URI Too Long",
        500 => "Internal Server Error",
        501 => "Not Implemented",
        503 => "Service Unavailable",
        508 => "Loop Detected",
        _   => "Not Found",

// Print form
fn print_form() {
    let body = r#"<html>
    <form method="post" action="/purl.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="main">
    Username: $user<br>
    URL to shorten: <input type="text" name="url" size="50"><br>
    Custom short: <input type="text" name="short"><br>
    <input type="hidden" name="form" value="html">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    respond(200, body);

// Generate random short
fn gen_short() -> String {
    let rand_string: String = thread_rng()

    return rand_string;

// Check if short is valid
fn check_short(short:&str) -> bool {
    // Set regex for valid shorts
    let shortregex = Regex::new(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$").unwrap();

    if ! shortregex.is_match(short) {
        return false; // short contains invalid characters
    } else if short.chars().count() > 128 {
        return false; // short is too long

    return true;

// end of file